August 9, 2018

Identity of the Intellectual: Part III

By STEPHEN IMBURGIA This feature is the final in an installment of three articles highlighting Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa fellows dedicated to removing the artificial divide that exists between academia and activism, or professional practice, as traditionally understood. Identity of the Intellectual: Part I | Identity of the Intellectual: Part II | Identity [Read More]

August 7, 2018

Identity of the Intellectual: Part II

By STEPHEN IMBURGIA This feature is the second in an installment of three articles highlighting Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa fellows dedicated to removing an artificial divide that exists between academia and activism, or professional practice, as traditionally understood. Identity of the Intellectual: Part I | Identity of the Intellectual: Part II | Identity of [Read More]

August 3, 2018

Identity of the Intellectual: Part I

By STEPHEN IMBURGIA This feature is the first in an installment of three highlighting Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa fellows dedicated to removing an artificial divide that exists between academia and activism, or professional practice, as traditionally understood. Identity of the Intellectual: Part I | Identity of the Intellectual: Part II | Identity of the Intellectual: Part [Read More]

August 1, 2018

Identity of the Intellectual: An Introduction

By TOM ASHER The Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa program supports talented, dynamic scholars. This dynamism can come in many forms: pioneering work on emerging issues, harnessing research for the public good, and in the case of many Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa fellows, breaking the barrier presumed to exist between academia and [Read More]